Your tax-deductible donation benefits our lifesaving rescue efforts!
As a nonprofit we rely on donations from our amazing supporters in order to care for the felines that make into into our care! Your donations cover medical expenses, food, litter, toys, cleaning supplies, microchips and other rescue related items we may need.
Donating is easy and you're able to donate several different ways:
Directly to our main veterinary partner - Owensville Animal Hospital: 513.732.0486
Venmo: FosteringFelines (last 4 of phone number 7799)
Checks (made out to Fostering Felines) can be mailed to 116 East Main Street, Owensville, OH 45160
Donating is easy and you're able to donate several different ways:
Directly to our main veterinary partner - Owensville Animal Hospital: 513.732.0486
Venmo: FosteringFelines (last 4 of phone number 7799)
Checks (made out to Fostering Felines) can be mailed to 116 East Main Street, Owensville, OH 45160